The Official Community Plan (OCP) provides an overall strategic land-use plan for the city. The OCP does not always address specific land-use issues at the neighbourhood level. Rather, it provides policy direction for the implementation of neighbourhood and area plans by examining issues at the local level.
Neighbourhood and Area Plans
Neighbourhood and area plans are policy documents that provide a clear and comprehensive land-use vision for larger tracts of land. These plans include:
- Directions for residents, land owners, the community as a whole, and developers about how an area may be developed.
- Policies to guide land-use decisions over time.
- Policies to balance social, environmental and economic factors.
These plans are considered when development applications are reviewed within these applicable areas.
The Airport Light Industrial Plan provides land-use direction for the lands west of the Prince George Airport for light industrial development. The area includes about 1,200 hectares (ha) of land bounded by the Prince George Airport to the east, Highway 16 to the north, and Highway 97 to the south and west.
The Crescents Neighbourhood Plan provides specific land-use policy direction under the OCP. The Plan also guides re-zoning and re-development within this area over the next several years. The neighbourhood has a variety of land uses, including:
- Residential
- Office
- Commercial retail
- Institutional
- Public open spaces
- Parks
- Trails
- Transportation and traffic
- Heritage characteristics
- Utilities
For more information:
Approved by City Council in 2009, the Prince George Downtown Smart Growth on the Ground Concept Plan was also approved as an area plan under OCP Bylaw No. 8383 in 2011.
The Plan is a detailed vision of a sustainable and vibrant downtown Prince George. The vision describes a downtown that functions as the civic and cultural centre of Prince George with thriving businesses and lively neighbourhoods where people come to visit, live and invest.
Some of the improvements made to the downtown area so far include:
- New features like bike stands, banners and flower baskets, wayfinding kiosk signs, and Heritage Signs and accompanying Library Heritage walking tours.
- Angled parking on 5th Avenue and two-waying of 4th Avenue.
- Construction of new buildings like the Wood Innovation and Design Centre (WIDC) and the LEED RCMP Building.
- Improved landscape standards and street trees replacement.
- Events programming such as Summerfest and Coldsnap.
- Downtown Development Design Guidelines and Downtown Revitalisation Incentives Programs.
- Enforcement and demolition of derelict sites.
- The biomass-based District Energy System (DES) that heats many key buildings in downtown Prince George. The DES reduces 1,900 plus tonnes of greenhouse gases per year by taking waste heat from Lakeland sawmill and transferring it through insulated piping to the downtown area.
For more information:
The Fraser River Bench Lands are located in the Southwest Sector of Prince George between the Fraser River and Lower College Heights. The Fraser River Bench Lands Neighbourhood Plan uses Smart Growth Planning principles to include the following features:
- A mix of land uses including residential, commercial, and institutional with a range of residential density option.
- Two neighbourhood parks.
- A riverfront City park extending from Malaspina Ridge to Varsity Creek.
- Development of 4.7 km of trails connecting with existing and proposed City trails.
- Designed connections to the bicycle network.
- A pedestrian-friendly environment that provides connections within the Bench Lands and to surrounding neighbourhoods.
- Dedication of greenways to protect environmentally sensitive areas.
- Accommodation of transit services.
- A Neighbourhood Centre.
- A combination of traditional and Smart Growth design standards.
For more information:
Adopted by Council on November 29, 2010, the Golf Course-Pine Centre Neighbourhood Plan provides the community, landowners, and developers with guidelines for appropriate land use and development of this key property at the intersection of Highways 16 and 97.
The Plan outlines a vision for the redevelopment of this important area of the community, including:
- A variety of commercial, residential and recreational uses, including seniors housing.
- An extensive trail network.
- Retention of the Pine Valley Golf Course, Prince George Golf and Curling Club Clubhouse.
- Approximately 7.7 hectares (ha) of park (28 per cent of the total Plan area).
This Plan also includes extensive urban design policies to direct future amendments to the City's regulations and guidelines in order to support high-quality architecture and landscaping.
- Download the Golf Course-Pine Centre Neighbourhood Plan [PDF]
- Download figures for the Golf Course-Pine Centre Neighbourhood Plan [PDF]
- Download the Prince George Golf and Curling Club Land Traffic Study [PDF]
- Download Appendix A2 of the Prince George Golf and Curling Club Traffic Impact Study [PDF]
- Download the Prince George Golf and Curling Club Lands Preliminary Servicing Assessment [PDF]
- Download the Prince George Golf and Curling Club Lands Phrase One Environmental Assessment [PDF]
- Download the Golf Course Lands Development Opportunity Analysis
- Download the Public Consultation Documents and Summary [PDF]
The Ospika South Neighbourhood is located in the western portion of the city. Development in the area will occur over a number of years, depending on market forces. Highlights of the Ospika South Neighbourhood Plan include:
- Future major street network, including the extension of Southridge Avenue, St. Lawrence Avenue, Westgate Avenue, Ospika Boulevard, and the addition of a new road, Glen Lyon Way.
- Five new neighbourhood parks.
- An extensive trail system.
- Development of a new district park on the Kode Pit property.
- Protection of environmentally sensitive areas, including a small wetland area at the west end of the neighbourhood, east of Thompson Drive.
- Small neighbourhood commercial area at the future intersection of Ospika Boulevard and Glen Lyon Way.
- Designation of an elementary school site near the future intersection of Westgate and St. Lawrence avenues.
For more information:
The University Heights Neighbourhood Plan guides development of a large area in the fastest growing sector of Prince George. The Plan is integrated with the City's OCP, the Trails Master Plan, Smart Growth principles, Winter Cities and Healthy Communities Design Guidelines, and includes the following features:
- A mix of land uses including residential, commercial, and institutional with a range of residential density options
- Proposed University Support Services land use designation
- 196 hectares (ha) for parks, trails, greenbelt, and open space (29 per cent of the Plan area)
- 33 hectares (ha) for riparian and wildlife areas (5 per cent of the Plan area)
- 2 district parks
- 11 neighbourhood parks
- Completion of Environmental Overview and Wildlife Habitat Assessment
- Promotion of excellence in design standards, including Smart Growth, Winter Cities, and Healthy Communities
- Opportunity to explore Alternative Development Standards through pilot projects
The University Heights Neighbourhood Plan has important Figures and Appendices that compliment the plan.
Wessner Heights lands are located in the north end of Prince George adjacent to Foothills Boulevard. The proposed development area includes approximately 80 hectares (ha) of crown land and is surrounded by Foothills Boulevard (west) and a number of small parcel landowners to the north, east, and south.
The Wessner Heights Neighbourhood Plan is designed with the following principles in mind:
- Develop a more compact community by increasing density
- Provide sufficient variety of housing types
- Encourage the creation of affordable and special needs housing within the neighbourhoods
- Encourage innovative and creative housing design
- Ensure the provision of neighbourhood amenities, including neighbourhood parks and pedestrian facilities
The Plan includes a mixture of land uses, such as:
- Low density residential
- Medium density town housing
- Medium density multi-family
- Neighbourhood commercial development
- Extensive open space and park land
For more information:
Adopted by Council on May 30, 2011, the Glenview Crescents Neighbourhood Plan consists of a new residential neighbourhood within the 63 hectares (ha) of undeveloped land immediately east of the Ranchland, Emerald Estates and Northside Park neighbourhoods in the Hart. The Plan aims to balance the needs and wants of residents with environmental considerations, as well as economic realities, and includes:
- A mix of land uses, including residential and commercial
- A range of residential density options
- 368 single family homes
- 15 single and two-family homes in a bare land strata
- 110 manufactured homes on three (3) sites
- 66 medium-density multiple family units on two (2) sites
- A small local commercial site (3,000 square metres)
- 21 hectares (ha) for parks or green space (33 per cent of the Plan area)
- A 1.6 hectares (ha) Neighbourhood Park
- Riparian protection of a tributary stream feeding McMillan Creek
For more information:
Adopted by Council on October 23, 2019, The North Nechako Neighbourhood Plan consists of a mix of residential and commercial land uses within the approximately 85 hectares (ha) of undeveloped land bounded by North Nechako Road, Foothills Boulevard, and the Nechako River. The Vision of the Plan was to create vibrant, walkable and connected community that seeks to respect the natural environment and maintain its natural assets and views. The Plan includes:
- 42.2 ha of low density residential
- 12.2 ha of medium density residential
- 2.2 ha of commercial
- 2.8 ha of park
- 17.2 ha of greenbelt and riparian protection areas
For more information:
Received for information on May 11, 2020.
The intent of the Woodlands Neighbourhood Plan is to provide a clear and comprehensive land use vision for the subject property in greater detail than found in the Official Community Plan. To this end, the Woodlands Neighbourhood Plan makes recommendations for land use policy for the subject property, including designating areas for residential development, parks, and the preservation of environmentally sensitive lands.
The following long-range land-use planning related projects, documents, studies, plans (other than the OCP and neighbourhood plans) provide valuable information about ongoing projects and community engagement opportunities.
In 2010, an Urban Design Study was completed to create a Residential Wood Innovation Comprehensive District (RMCID). Following advice from the Downtown Partnership (formerly known as the Mayor's Task Force for a Better Downtown), Council directed City staff to consult with the public to create the RMCID. This district would allow six-storey buildings to be permitted and encourage the use of wood construction materials.
The creation of this district reflects two strategies identified within myPG Sustainability Plan:
- To focus growth in or near downtown.
- To encourage wood construction as a key economic development strategy for the City.
After receiving the final study area report at its regular meeting on January 24, 2011, Council approved to amend the OCP to support this use Bylaw No. 8383, 2011.
A range of housing types that can accommodate people of different ages, life stages, incomes and abilities is one of the fundamental elements of a healthy and inclusive community. The City plays a key role in facilitating the creation and retention of diverse housing in Prince George.
The Industrial Land backgrounder and discussion paper examines the City's industrial land and offers options on how it might be managed from a planning perspective to inform OCP policy. This led to a strategy approved by Council to develop and approve the Airport Light Industrial Plan to provide sufficient light industrial land demand for the coming years.
BC Transit, in collaboration with the City of Prince George, conducted a 25-year Transit Future Plan for Prince George. The Transit Future Plan envisions what the Prince George transit network should look like 25 years from now and describes what services, infrastructure and investments are needed to get there. The plan was designed to support local community goals and objectives, such as strengthening the link between transportation and land use in order to support sustainable growth.
Active transportation includes all forms of human-powered travel, such as:
- Walking
- Cycling
- Skiing
- Canoeing
- Use of mobility-assisted devices
These forms of active transportation can use on-road or off-road facilities such as trails, sidewalks, walkways, bike lanes, and may also be combined with the use of public transit.
These trips primarily take place to and from work, shopping, entertainment areas, school and community facilities or even to visit a friend. The Active Transportation Plan aims to increase accessibility, tourism potential, and the health and quality of life while reducing vehicle emissions, energy use, and travel or infrastructure costs.
The Transportation Network Planning Study reviews the City's transportation network and assesses land-use generated issues. View Section 7.0: Network Issues for the Neighbourhood Plan areas of the Study.
The Community Recreation Services Plan (CRSP) provides strategies and guidance for recreation services, facilities and venues (indoor and outdoor). The Plan also identifies options and strategies to address key issues, and provides guidance for budgets and operational planning.