Arenas & Skating

Skaters using the Prince George Ice Oval on a winter day.

Indoor public skating

Indoor public skating season runs from October to March (start and end dates subject to change) at the Elksentre or Kopar Memorial arenas. Programs are run by North Edge Ice Sports.

Friday7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.Elksentre
Saturday2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.Kopar Memorial Arena
Sunday12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m.Elksentre
Sunday4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.Kopar Memorial Arena

Skating times may change without notice. To confirm times or for more information visit the North Edge Sports public skating website.

Drop-in hockey

Drop-in hockey season runs from October to March (start and end dates subject to change) at Kin 2. Players must be 19 years of age or older. Programs are run by North Edge Ice Sports.

Tuesdays and Thursdays12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.Kin 2

Times may change without notice. To confirm times or for more information visit the North Edge Sports public skating website.

Learn to Skate

Learn to Skate and Parent & Tot programs run from January to March (start and end dates subject to change) at the Elksentre or Kopar Memorial Arenas. Programs are run by North Edge Ice Sports.

For more information visit the North Edge Sports public skating website.

Our arenas

Prince George's arenas, Exhibition Park, and meeting rooms are available for bookings. Most locations also include support facilities like change rooms, audio-visual equipment, and other on-site amenities.

Submit a booking request

Advertising opportunities are also available in the arenas. For more information, call 250-561-7559.

Arenas and locations

Outdoor public skating

Prince George is home to a number of outdoor ice skating rinks that are available for public use. Most of these rinks are maintained and operated by local community associations and their volunteers. Rink conditions will vary due to weather and the volunteers' schedules. - Please do not skate on freshly flooded or melting ice, this can cause damage that is difficult for the volunteers to repair. 

Tentative rink locations


Outdoor ice rink hydrant training 

Volunteers of approved Community Associations and the Outdoor Ice Oval must be certified to use a hydrant or standpipe for flooding approved outdoor ice rinks. The following is an on-line certification course for those volunteers. Only persons approved by the City and the Community Associations/Outdoor Ice Oval may take the course and use a hydrant or standpipe. Register with your local Community Association or Outdoor Ice Oval Society before taking this course.

Once a volunteer completes the course, they must email a copy of their certificate along with their name, contact information, their community association name (or Outdoor Ice Oval) and rink location to Failure to do so will nullify your certification.  

NEW: The on-line course must be renewed annually.

Online Hydrant Training - 2024/2025 Ice Season