Leisure Access Program

Fun at the pool

What is LAP?

The Leisure Access Program (LAP) provides opportunities for residents with limited income to participate in a variety of aquatic activities. Leisure Access participants receive:

  • 52 complimentary public swimming admissions.
  • 75 percent off all swim passes once the 52 complimentary admissions have been used.
  • 75 percent off swimming programs ($50.00 credit maximum) such as swimming lessons.

Who is Eligible?

Applicants must be permanent residents of Prince George and meet one of following criteria:

  1. Have an annual income that is below the Statistics Canada Low Income Guidelines. 

    # In Household123456
    Income Under$25,146$31,304$38,484$46,726$52,996$59,771
  2. Receive a BC Seniors Supplement that is below the Statistics Canada Low Income Guidelines.
  3. Connected with a Leisure Access Program referral agency. If you are currently working with a not-for-profit agency/service provider ask if they are a referral agency for the City's LAP and if they can assist you with completing a referral. 

How Do I Apply

Option 1:
Complete the LAP Participant Application form using the link below. A paper copy of the Participant Application form is also available at both the Canfor Leisure Pool and P.G. Aquatic Centre.

  • Application processing occurs Monday - Friday between 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  Allow up to 10 days for processing although this typically occurs within a day or two on weekdays.
  • Proof of yearly household income and photo I.D. is required.

Option 2:
Referral agencies completing applications for clients, may submit using the link below. If you are not currently an approved referral agency*, email leisureaccessprogram@princegeorge.ca to learn more about this process and to determine if your agency is eligible to be a referral agency for this program.

*Note: The City works in partnership with several community not-for-profit agencies to refer clients to the Leisure Access Program.