Special Requests & Proclamations

Flag of the Netherlands flying outside Prince George's City Hall.

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Request a Proclamation

Proclamations are ceremonial documents issued and signed by the Mayor to recognize the value and importance of a person, event, campaign, or organization for a certain day, week, or month.

The decision to issue proclamations is based on the recognition that the Mayor represents all citizens. A proclamation acknowledges the commitment of individuals and organizations within Prince George whose efforts enhance our community.

Proclamations do not constitute a personal or civic endorsement.

All proclamation text is subject to approval by the Mayor's Office and modifications to the text may be necessary in order for the text to be approved. Once the text has been approved, an electronic copy of the document will be sent to the requester and posted on the City website. The City will not incur any expenses relating to the advertising or promotion of a proclamation unless a City department initiates the proclamation. 

Recipients are responsible for promoting the proclamation, organizing related activities, and all associated costs. An organization does not have exclusive rights to the day, week, or month of its proclamation. A congratulatory letter or certificate may be considered as an alternative where the proclamation criteria have not been met.

Proclamation Criteria

Special Requests