
Resident in wheelchair visiting the Heritage River Trail.

Planning for accessibility

Having programs, services, and environments that enable everyone to participate fully in society without barriers is a requirement of the Accessible British Columbia Act. In order to comply with the Act, the City is planning for accessibility by:

Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusion

The Advisory Committee on Accessibility aims to remove any physical or social barrier which prevents full participation by residents in all aspects of community life. The Committee seeks to advise Council, increase public awareness, and collect feedback on accessibility issues including those affecting people with mobility devices, seniors, and the general public.

Accessible transportation

Accessible garbage collection

Residents who have a permanent physical disability and have difficulty moving their bin to the collection point without help from another person may contact the City of Prince George to apply for the Set Out/Set Back service. City Crews will assist by moving bins to the collection point and returning them once they have been emptied.

Accessible housing

Prince George offers programs and resources for developers and homeowners wishing to construct housing with accessible features.

Accessible voting

All voting locations are accessible for people with disabilities or mobility devices. Voters who find it challenging to enter a voting location may request a ballot brought to them in the parking lot or curbside by an Election Official.

Voters unable to mark their own ballot or who require a translator may ask an Election Official, friend, or relative for assistance. Anybody assisting an elector filling out a ballot will be required to sign a Declaration of Persons Assisting an Elector to Mark a Ballot Form.

Rick Hansen Foundation

The City of Prince George is one of eight communities in British Columbia selected by the Rick Hansen Foundation to improve accessibility for residents with disabilities through the BC Accessibility Grants Program.

  • Rick Hansen Foundation will provide Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification (RHFAC) ratings for three City facilities and provide funding for accessibility improvements.
  • City staff will receive accessibility awareness training and learn how to perform RHFAC ratings on the remaining City facilities.

Accessibility progress reports