Street Sweeping

Two street sweepers clearing a road in Prince George.

Every winter the City uses, on average, around 7,500 to 10,000 tonnes of traction materials like sand on our streets and sidewalks. When spring comes, our street sweepers go about their business of clearing these materials from our roads 24 hours a day, five days a week.

If you see our crews out and about from around mid-March to early June, give them a wave, but make sure to give our sweepers a wide berth.

Sweeping priorities

Street sweeping status (2024)

Area 6 - Heritage, Foothills[Complete]
Area 7 - Westwood, Pinecone, Pinewood[Complete]
Area 1 - Millar Addition, VLA, South Fort George 


Area 2 - Fraser View, Lansdowne, Vanbien, Seymour, DL777, Assman, Perry[Complete]
Area 3 - Nechako, Crescents, Central Fort George[Complete]
Area 4 - Quinson, Spruceland[Complete]

Area 5 - Highland, Highglen, Lakewood

Area F - Boeing, Giscombe[Complete]

Area G - Willow Forest, Sintich, Pacific Avenue

Area A - Peden Hill, Charella Gardens, Starlane, College Heights[Complete]
Area B - Lalonde, Lafreniere, Parkridge, Nolan, Haldi, Western Acres[Complete]
Area C - Cranbrook Hill, North Nechako[Complete]
Area D - Hart Highlands, Highland Drive, S. Kelly, West and East Austin, Foothills to Chief Lake Road[Complete]
Area E - PG Pulpmill Road, North Pulp Mill Road, Noranda, Foothills[Complete]