Follow 15th Avenue for approximately one kilometre.
Turn left on Ospika Boulevard.
Travel two blocks and turn right into the CN Centre parking lot.
Follow Highway 97 South into Prince George.
Turn right on 15th Avenue.
Follow 15th Avenue for approximately one kilometre.
Turn left on Ospika Boulevard.
Travel two blocks and turn right into the CN Centre parking lot.
Follow Highway 16 East into Prince George.
Turn left onto Highway 97 North.
Turn left at 15th Avenue.
Follow 15th Avenue for approximately one kilometre.
Turn left on Ospika Boulevard.
Travel two blocks and turn right into the CN Centre parking lot.
Follow Highway 16 West into Prince George.
Turn left on Victoria Street.
Drive through downtown, and then turn right on 15th Avenue.
Follow 15th Avenue for approximately one kilometre.
Turn left on Ospika Boulevard.
Travel two blocks and turn right into the CN Centre parking lot.
Arriving by public transit
Most hotels in the Prince George downtown area are within walking distance of bus stops. The #5, #15, #55, and other buses will drop you right on our doorstep in time for your show.
Free parking in the CN Centre lot is open to all event attendees. Disabled parking stalls are available on the north and east sides of CN Centre. Please follow parking attendant directions and signs.
Some parking may be limited or restricted during winter months due to snow.
The CN Centre's VIP parking lot is located on the east side. VIP parking benefits include:
Shorter walking distance to the CN Centre's front doors.
Guaranteed parking stalls for guests arriving at the last minute.
Priority exiting from the parking lot after an event.
TicketsNorth sells VIP parking passes for specific events.