Notice of traffic and pedestrian network disruptions - December 6, 2023


Ospika Boulevard (400 Block) between 5th and 3rd Avenues on the N/B lanes

  • Will be single lane traffic each way, Tuesday, December 5th from 6:00 am to 4:00 pm for setting road grade and paving.
  • Emergency vehicles WILL have access.


15th Avenue between Carney Street and Central Street

  • The two inside lanes on 15th Avenue (each way) will be closed, Monday, December 11th to Friday, December 15th from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm for tree and planter removal.
  • Emergency vehicles WILL have access.


4th Avenue between Dominion Street and George Street

  • Is closed starting Monday, December 4th until the end of December for work on the UNBC Wood Innovation building.
  • Emergency vehicles will NOT have access.


Quebec Street between 6th Avenue and 7th Avenue

  • The east sidewalk will be open for pedestrian use this winter; 6th Avenue sidewalk between Quebec Street and Dominion Street remains incomplete and closed for the winter.


Simon Fraser Bridge

  • Southbound Simon Fraser Bridge will remain closed until early December – no specific date at this time.  Northbound Simon Fraser Bridge will be reduced to single lane in each direction.
  • Emergency vehicles WILL have access.