Type(s)Building & DevelopmentBusiness You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form.*** For Property Taxes and / or Utility Billings Only *** I wish to change my mailing address for: Tax account (folio number) Utility account Tax Account (Folio #) Utility Account # Property Address Address Address City/Town Province Postal Code Country Change my address to: Address Address City/Town Province Postal Code Country Effective Change Date Does the address change apply to all owners who currently have the same mailing address as you? Yes NoPlease enter the other ownership names in full below: Owner's Name Owner's Name Owner's Name Owner's Name The personal information on this form is collected by the City of Prince George for the purposes of processing this application, under the authority of section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have any questions about the collection of information, please contact the Supervisor, Revenue Services, at 1100 Patricia Boulevard, Prince George, BC, or by telephone 250-561-7600.Learn more information about the collection of personal information under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.Authorization:This request cannot be processed unless signed by one of the registered property owners.A copy of the Power of Attorney (POA)/Committee is required if signing on behalf of a registered owner. For business, the individual must be an authorized signatory. POA One file only.64 MB limit.Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.Applicant Signature Full Name Primary Phone Number Secondary Phone Number Email Address Your Signature Date Title For questions and concerns, contact the Service Centre by phone at 250-561-7600 or by email at 311@princegeorge.ca CAPTCHA