For immediate release
Prince George, BC - The City produced its 2021 Annual Report and is making it publicly available on the City website and at City Hall. The Annual Report presents a high-level overview of City initiatives that were accomplished in 2021 and planned for 2022 toward the achievement of Council’s strategic priorities as well as detailed audited financial statements. There are also various measures of City functions, services, and infrastructure.
Over the last decade, planning at the City of Prince George has been based on an integrated community sustainability plan known as myPG, and the Annual Report is based on the four myPG pillars:
- Social Health and Well-Being
- Environmental Leadership and Climate Action
- Economic Growth and Development
- City Government and Infrastructure
Accomplishments of note in 2021 include:
- The City distributed $30,000 to community groups through the Celebrate PG Grant.
- Construction started on the new, YMCA-operated downtown childcare centre and on the Tsulh’Cho (Dagg Road) daycare.
- 318 streetlights were replaced with LEDs
- While the number of building permits was down the total value was at an all-time high of $238 million.
- Construction on the downtown pool well underway in 2021.
- A review of the City’s capital project management process was completed. A Policy and Organizational Capital Project Management Framework was approved
Prince George City Council will consider the 2021 Annual Report at its June 27 regular meeting to be held at 6:00pm in the City Hall Council Chambers. The Annual Report is available for review by the public as of today on the City’s website and paper copies are available for review Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:30am and 5:00pm at the Service Centre on the First Floor of City Hall and the Legislative Services Division (5th Floor, City Hall).
Written submissions regarding the 2021 Annual Report should be forwarded to the Corporate Officer by 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 21, 2022, to be included in Council’s agenda package. Submissions received after this time will be provided to Council on the day of the Council meeting for their consideration. Submissions may be sent by email to
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Media Contact
Julie Rogers, APR
Communications Manager
Phone:250-561-7727 Cell: 7789-349-0457