What is the Official Community Plan?
The Official Community Plan (OCP) is a statement of objectives and policies to guide decisions on planning and land-use management in the city. As a general rule, it can be reviewed and considered for revision every five to 10 years.
Although the OCP does not commit or authorize the City of Prince George to proceed with any project specified in the plan and does not have an immediate effect on property rights (e.g. existing zoning regulations will continue to apply), the OCP can have consequences that may increase the regulatory burden of developing a property (e.g. designation of development permit areas).
After the adoption of the OCP, bylaws enacted or works undertaken by Council must be consistent with the Plan. Council, staff, and citizens use the OCP as a critical planning tool to help make decisions related to:
- Housing locations
- Transportation priorities
- Lands protected from development
- Protecting development from hazards
- Providing services for more sustainable development in the next 15 years
For more information:
Official Community Plan Review
For more information, visit the OCP Review project's website.