Request to Appear as a Delegation

Mayor and Council

Before Completing this Request Form

Please review the "Guidelines for Delegations at Council Meetings" prior to completing and submitting this delegation request form.

Attending Council Meetings

  • City of Prince George open Council meetings are public and may be televised, streamed live by webcast, recorded, and archived on the City's website for viewing by the public.
  • By attending an open Council meeting or making a delegation presentation you are consenting to the disclosure of any personal information that you provide and to publication of the presentation materials provided.


Personal information is collected under the authority of section 26(g) and disclosed under the authority of section 33(2) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.  For information or questions, contact the City’s FIPPA Coordinator at 250-561-7600 or 1100 Patricia Boulevard, Prince George, BC V2L 3V9.

Learn more information about the collection of personal information under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Applicant Information

Contact Info

Presentation Information

Presenters: First Name Last Name, Title (Maximum 4) (i.e.: Jane Smith, Executive Director)
more items
Purpose of Presentation and/or Action You Wish Council to Take

Funding Requests

You have indicated you wish to request financial support from Council. Please provide  the following documents  with your delegation request form. 

Required Documentation:

  • Overview of request:  Project details, Scope, Benefit to the community
  • Project budget
  • Funding sources and amount
  • List which City of Prince George grants you are eligible for, have applied to, and the results of those applications.
Maximum 5 files.
64 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Have You Spoken with City Staff Regarding Your Proposed Delegation Topic?

Presentation Date

You can find upcoming Council meeting dates on the Council Calendar.

Delegations are assigned to Council meetings on a first come-first served basis and your requested date may not be available. Legislative Services staff will contact the applicant following the submission of the delegation request to confirm the availability of the requested meeting date and associated deadlines to submit presentation materials.

What is your preferred method of delivery for your delegation presentation?

When presenting remotely via Zoom or telephone, your presentation materials will not be shown at the time of your presentation. If you wish to have your slides displayed during your remote presentation, please arrange for someone to attend the meeting in person on your behalf to advance the slide deck.

Your presentation materials will be available to Council via the online agenda in advance of the meeting.

Will You be Providing Supporting Documentation (PowerPoint, Brochures, etc.)?

All presentation materials and documentation must be provided a by 12:00 p.m., two Wednesdays in advance of your intended meeting date.

What types of materials will be provided?

If you will not be providing presentation materials, speaking notes and a general outline of your presentation must be provided to by 12:00 p.m., two Wednesdays in advance of your intended meeting date.