Remove or Install Fuel or LPG Tank Application

Building & Development

This application is for the removal or installation of a fuel storage tank, piping, or to install a LPG dispenser for liquefied petroleum gas for a commercial property

Applicant Information

Please provide an email to contact you by

Property Owner Information


Contractor / Installer Information

Contractor / Installer Address

Application Details

Type of work
Tank / Piping Location
Items to be installed or removed
Types of Tanks
Total Fuel Tank Volume for All Tanks
Total liquid petroleum gas volume for all tanks


Title Search  $20.00
Removal of Underground Fuel Storage Tank $112.00
Install Liquid Petroleum Tank $112.00
Install Aboveground Fuel Tank  
2,500-25,000L $225.00
extra litres over 25,000L $0.02 per litre
Install Underground Fuel Tank  
up to 5,000L $112.00
up to 25,000L $282.00
 up to and over 50,000L $394.00

Additional Taxes Apply (non-refundable)


In accordance with the particulars and plans submitted herewith, it is understood that completion of this form constitutes an application only and that the work applied for will not be commenced until a permit to install and/or remove has been issued. Permit will be issued a minimum of 14 business days following receipt of application.


  1. Scaled plans identifying the location of tanks to be removed from service. These plans must be submitted in an electronic format and further identify:
    1. The location of the storage tanks in relation to the line of the adjoining property, buildings and fencing;
    2. The layout of all major piping, pumps, valves and associated components; and
    3. The size, capacity and use of the storage tanks.+
  2. The steps taken to ensure that all measures identified in the British Columbia Fire Code, Division B, Part 4, and the subsection titled “Out of Service” have been taken.

Installation for Flammable or Combustible Liquids

  1. Scaled plans identifying the location of tanks to be installed. These plans must be submitted in an electronic format and further identify:
    1. The location of the storage tanks in relation to the property line of the adjacent property, buildings and fencing;
    2. The layout of all major piping, pumps, valves and associated components;
    3. The size, capacity and use of the storage tanks;
    4. The standard to which the storage tanks have been constructed;
    5. The type and trade name of the pump or measuring device to be installed;
    6. The location and type of vents and safety valves; and
    7. The location and layout of any key/card lock fuel dispensing station.
  2. A written guarantee to provide a copy of the commissioning test to the Fire Chief.

Installation for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Propane):

  1. Scaled plans identifying the location of tanks to be installed. These plans must be submitted in an electronic format and further identify:
    1. The location of the storage tanks in relation to the line of the adjoining property, buildings and fencing;
    2. The layout of all major piping, pumps, valves and associated components;
    3. The size, capacity and use of the storage tanks;
    4. The protection in place for the tank;
    5. Tank construction must comply with Pressure Vessel Act; and
    6. The location and layout of any key/card lock fuel dispensing station.
  2. Calculations showing the class location based on the information provided in the BC Safety Authority Directive No: D-G5 051206 7 – Revision 01.


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64 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif.

The personal information on this form is collected by the City of Prince George for the purposes of processing this application, under the authority of section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.  If you have any questions about the collection of information, please contact the Chief Fire Prevention Officer, Community Services, at 1100 Patricia Boulevard, Prince George, BC, or by telephone 250-561-7600.

Learn more information about the collection of personal information under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.