Business Licence Application

Building & Development
  • Current Application Details
  • Business Details
  • Complete
Type of Application

Business Information

Business Location
Please note that this cannot be a PO Box
Billing address same as above?
Billing Address
Are you the business owner?

Business Owner Information

Owner Name
Owner Address
For example:Commercial service offering personal care such as hair cut/styling, nail care, skin care and sale of related products. Homebased business offering carpentry services using my home as an office only and conducting carpentry services off site.
One file only.
64 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Business Type (If you do not have a Commercial/Industrial address then please choose Home Business)
Are you the homeowner?
One file only.
64 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Northern Health Approval Required


Please note that the information posted on the City of Prince George Online Business Directory is pulled from the Business Information section of the business license application. This may include personal information such as contact information/business location.

In the case of home businesses where the business address is also the home address, that home address will be posted in the directory.

If this is not something you would like to be a part of, please uncheck the “I would like this business to be included in the Free Online Business Directory” field.

Business License Options


What is a NAICS code?

North American Index Classification System (NAICS) is a classification system within the North American Industry. The system was developed for statistical analysis, however, various government agencies, trade associations, and regulatory boards have adapted the NAICS classification system for internal needs. NAICS codes can tell us for example how many businesses we have classified under Landscaping (NAICS 5617).

How do I know which NAICS code fits my business?

A simple way to finding out which NAICS code your business fits under, is using Google (open these instructions as a PDF).

Step 1.

For example,
If you own a Landscaping business in Prince George you should enter Landscaping NAICS code and hit enter. (DO NOT enter the name of your business for example, Simply Greenworks NAICS code)

Google search bar

Step 2.

Look for the statcan link for NAICS codes (this is usually the first item on google but sometimes can be a couple links below the first item). Opening the link will give the full description of that NAICS code.

Google search results

Step 3.

Choose the FIRST FOUR DIGITS of the NAICS code listed.
For the Landscaping example, you would select 5617. These first four digits will be the NAICS code you will need to enter for your business license.

If you have any questions about the NAICS codes or the process of finding which one applies to you, please contact