RCMP resource review seeks community feedback


Prince George, BC - The City of Prince George is conducting a review of policing in the community to help inform resource needs. Part of this project involves collecting feedback from citizens about their views on policing in Prince George. The survey is live now on the City of Prince George website and will remain open until 4:30 pm on June 1, 2022.

The community engagement project is being conducted by Dr. Curt Taylor Griffiths (Simon Fraser University), Dr. Eli Sopow (University Canada West), and Josh Murphy (Kwantlen Polytechnic University) from April to September with the final report prepared in early fall. This team of experts have extensive experience in police resource reviews.

Superintendent Shaun Wright stated, “This project is in direct response to a request from City Council to better understand the resource needs of the RCMP and whether we are meeting the needs of our community. We are pleased to have experts in this type of research leading this important project.”

The project will examine the demand environment in which the detachment works, how detachment resources are allocated to meet those demands, the identification of any resource gaps in the capacity of the detachment to ensure the safety and security of the community, and whether there are strategies to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of police services.

Through interviews, focus groups, and a community survey, the study will gather information on existing partnerships between the police and community interested parties, and explore the potential for leveraging community resources to assist in improving the quality of life in the community.

The findings from the study will identify the resources that will be required to ensure community safety and well-being and provide materials to inform Council’s decision-making with respect to police funding.