Prince George, BC - On Monday, at the City of Prince George’s new Firehall #1 on Massey Drive, City Manager Walter Babicz and Mayor Lyn Hall helped to officially mark the appointment of long-time Prince George firefighter and former deputy fire chief, Cliff Warner, to the rank of fire chief. As of today, Chief Warner is now Prince George’s 13th fire chief since the City was incorporated in 1915.
Fire Chief John Iverson officially retired on Friday, January 21, after 35 years of service, including eight years as chief. Chief Warner was selected to replace Iverson as the new fire chief of Prince George Fire Rescue Services last November.
Chief Warner has 26 years of service in Prince George’s fire department including serving in every senior management position. Warner has overseen many high-profile initiatives, including the upcoming move of the City’s Fire Operations Communications Centre to Fire Hall #1.
“Chief Warner has an impressive record of service, including leading Fire Rescue through the wildfire evacuations in 2017 and 2018, the Covid-19 pandemic, and the transition to the new Fire Hall #1,” says Mayor Hall. “Council congratulates Chief Warner and our two new deputy fire chiefs on their accomplishments and for their years of service to our community.”
Two new deputy chiefs selected
Captain Bryan Burleigh has been selected as the City’s new deputy chief – operations/training. Deputy Chief Burleigh served most recently as the training branch captain, and has been a qualified assistant chief for the past three years. Burleigh has served with PGFRS for nearly 20 years and is a qualified level 4 fire officer.
A hiring committee also selected Clayton Sheen, previously the City’s manager of emergency programs, as the City’s new deputy chief – administration/prevention. After a decade of service as a wildland fire fighter with BC Wildfire Service, Deputy Chief Sheen joined PG Fire Rescue in 2007, where he immediately responded to the ice jam event in 07/08. Sheen was instrumental in both the 2017 and 2018 wildfire evacuee events, and led the City’s 2020 and 2021 freshet responses, and 2021 wildfire evacuee event.
About Prince George Fire Rescue
Prince George Fire Rescue Services includes over 130 full-time staff including fire fighters, clerical, dispatch services, and provides several critical services for Prince George:
- emergency response and planning
- fire dispatch
- fire investigation
- fire safety inspection and enforcement
- public education
For further information about fire, police, and ambulance service, please visit the City website.