Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusion


Contact the Committee

Legislative Services Division
City Hall - 5th Floor
1100 Patricia Boulevard
Prince George, BC V2L 3V9

Phone: 250-561-7600

Enquire about Accessible Civic Infrastructure

Service Centre
City Hall - 1st Floor
1100 Patricia Boulevard
Prince George, BC V2L 3V9

Phone: 311 or 250-561-7600


Current Members
  • Ken Biron
  • Amy Blanding
  • Bari Colebank
  • Sherri Lynn Corrigal
  • Irina Doering
  • Samantha Hermanson
  • Moe Hopkins
  • Vivian Martin
  • Kaitlyn Vecchio

Staff Liaisons: Sarah Brown and Maria Paulson

Council Liaisons: Councillor Ron Polillo and Councillor Susan Scott


Recruitment for the Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusion is now open. The deadline to submit an application is at 5:00 p.m., February 20, 2025. For more information, click here. 


The Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusion advises and assists Council, staff, and other committees on the identification, removal, and prevention of physical, social, and attitudinal barriers to individuals in or interacting with the City of Prince George.

The Committee consists of up to nine citizens appointed by Council. The membership is a cross-representation of individuals with disabilities and service providers familiar with accessibility issues.


Meetings are held quarterly in January, April, July, and October on the 3rd Thursday of the month from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. 
Review Meetings, Agendas & Minutes for details on upcoming meetings.
